If you are looking for a new pet, obviously i’d say rescue a pet first. Get educated on pet scams BEFORE you buy!
It’s not only about cats and dogs. It can be any pet of relatively high value being used in an immoral way for profit. Macaws, rare parrots, purebred cats, purebred dogs, even high value fish have been included in scams! Some of the pet scams have been from Nigeria or Cameroon and usually email you with an offer to sell and transport a purebred pet for a lot less money than usual. The thing is, the pet has never existed and never did!
I’ve been there before. Buying a new family member is a huge deal. You want to make sure you get it right. I’ve gone through it a bit with my wife so I can give you a few things to look out for.
Pet Business Scam cheat people out of a lot of money every year. It also causes heartbreak and anger, and can involve legitimate businesses across Australia. Do your research before getting a pet, and check the ASPCA puppy buying guide for more information.
Here are the top 5 tips when looking for a Goldendoodle Breeder.
1.Check Goldendoodle Dog Breeder for any online presence.
Do they have a website that seems legitimate? When you google the name of the business or puppy mill, do they have a location on google, do they show reviews from real people? When I first started looking for my Goldendoodle. We found someone on our local Ads listings. I text the number and it all seemed too good to be true. Saying all the right things to me and just asking when I “Can Meet up”. When I went online and searched their “business Name” nothing came up. No social media, no reviews. Nothing. Super Red flag! If they don’t have any online presence I definitely would ask and inquire as to why. Honestly though My advice is to look elsewhere as fast as a Goldendoodle can run away!
2.Goldendoodle Breeder just gives you that weird feeling.
This goes for any Breeder of dogs, or any animals when your meeting the seller or talking to them you just get a weird gut feeling that tells you something is off. The last thing you want is a puppy like one of the above. Little signs to look for are. He/She Doesn’t really answer your questions or is short with their answers. They don’t have a location you can come too. Or when you go to the breeders home or location, it’s dirty/messy and very . If you see the older animals not being treated well it’s a sign your potential new puppy could have some health issues going forward. Remember bad breeders will try to have as many puppies for the lowest cost as possible. You might be talking to a puppy mill worker or owner. If you get that icky, weird gut feeling at any point, early on in the conversation or during, i’d definitely run like a MiniDoodle as fast as you can.
3.Be wary of Pet Stores for buying puppies as well.
Even Pet Stores can be a bad place to get a Goldendoodle. Or any puppy or animal for the sake. Many local Pet stores unknowingly will buy puppys from a puppy mill. Or other animals from breeders who are practicing bad sometime inhumane treatment of animals. I hope the Pet Stores do there due diligence, but there is a good chance they just want to buy puppies they can sell for profit. So be wary, ask questions! Where do you source these pups? How long have they been using this puppy breeder? The last thing you want to do is support a Pet store that helps continue poor mistreatment of animals like a puppy mill. Then be with an animal that has a lifetime of health issues. At minimum they should be able to give you the source of the breeder the animals come from. From there do full research on that source.
4.Not everyone out there selling puppies is evil just remember..
I’m not all pessimistic about Dog Breeders. I was re reading the steps above and it did sound a little debbie downer. Haha i’m sorry. There are tons of great breeders out there who do it the right way. I just have seen some horrible situations health wise with puppies that come from a Breeder with bad Dog Breeding habits. Here are some great questions to ask potential dog breeders.
- What are your goals for being a Dog Breeder?
- What kind of responsible Breeding practices do you ensure?
- How long have you been in the Dog Business?
- How many litters will each Mom Dog produce before retirement?
- How about the mom & Dad Doggy parents?
- Were they bred with ASPCA Standards?
- Are the Goldendoodles/Dogs socialized around other dogs & kids as well?
- Do you train them early on as well as socialize them?
- What are health problems for this breed?
- Could I reach out to some of your previous Puppy clients?
- Where do you raise the puppies?
- Have you done any sort of health tests on the parents of the Dogs?
- Do you guys do your own health tests once the puppies are born?
Make sure you ask a combination or all of these questions, the more questions the better. It’s heartbreaking when your pet is sick. The last thing you want to do is be at the Veterinarian office once a month. Making sure to get a puppy that is healthy and happy is your first concern. Please take your time and don’t rush into buying a puppy ask these questions first.
We compiled a list of the top Breeders in every US state. For a list of the best Goldendoodle Breeders Enter your email into our newsletter!