- My dog provides companionship and emotional support. If you got one of these cute dogs, they will give you the same support. My Goldendoodle is RickyBobby and he’s the first dog i’ve had in 25+ years. He can always improve my mood, helps reduce stress and loneliness, and gives me a sense of wellbeing.
- Most of the Goldendoodles I’ve seen are highly trainable and can be taught to perform a wide range of tasks, such as assisting my grandma with disabilities, providing therapy, and even detecting certain medical conditions he’s so intuitive. Of course he knows all the tricks to earn his favorite treats.
- Male or Female Goldendoodles love to serve as protectors and keep their owners safe by alerting them to potential dangers, such as intruders or fires or in my case un-announced in laws. Goldendoodles can vary in size but mine is big weighing in at almost 100 LBS. He can scary those potential burglars away.
- Need some help staying physical fit? Goldendoodle’s can be great for physical fitness, mine requires regular exercise and walks, which can be a great opportunity for me and the kids to get some physical activity in as well. We usually run once a day, or play with a tennis ball his favorite toy. Always keeps me busy and active I think you should do the same with your Goldendoodle!
- Goldendoodles can teach children responsibility and empathy by taking care of them. Kids learn to have much more compassion towards animals and anything else. My son who is now eight years old, loves our dog RickyBobby and they always play together and I know my son is safe.
- I can’t tell you how many times my dog just somehow know when I’m sad. Goldendoodles are good at reading human emotions and can sense when their owners are sad, happy, or upset, which can be comforting for the owner. He will just come up and give me a dog hug sometimes and it’s always right when you need it.
- Dogs are known to have a positive impact on human’s heart health, by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol, and lowering the risk of heart disease. Studies show people live longer and have more purpose in life being with their Goldendoodle.