Which apps to use to help keep your Goldendoodle healthy?
“Wait where is my dog?”
A thought none of us want to ever think… Best mobile Apps to help keep track of your dog at all times.
Sounds easy right? “I always know where my dog is at all times, and he or she is always by my side. Why would I ever need to track my Goldendoodle? I always know where my best friend is…” Well ask anyone who’s puppy got outside the yard or the house and bolted down the street. I realize not every dog is the same I know. However, what about that one time a cat happens to walk out from behind a car? Or another dog walking by with his/her owner? You never know when your dog’s inherited Wolf genes take over and next thing you know he’s gone in the blink of an eye chasing a squirrel down the street. I have been there personally and it so scary. Here’s what happened.
I was just getting home with two of my kiddos and my youngest was asleep in his car seat. So I go open the front door so my older daughter can get inside and turn around for 2 seconds to walk back and get my son soon as I am scooping him out of the car and . (Screech!! Boom! My dog yelping in Pain). I literally froze in a panic and (which felt like forever) and ran out into the street to get my limping dog walking back to me. I was heartbroken and afraid all at once in that moment. Kids are now crying, dog is now whimpering and crying and I had no idea what to do! Got the kids back in the car and to the vet we went. Somehow luckily RickyBobby was ok, no broken bones or anything just a bad bruising along his back right leg. This is a worse case scenario obviously but immediately I looked into what I can do to help keep my Goldendoodle Safe with technology. Here are the top 3 Mobile apps I found.
1.American Red Cross

This is a great app in general to have for any cat and dog owner but especially a Goldendoodle owner. Goldendoodle owners please download the Red Cross Pet First Aid app for veterinary advice for anytime dog emergencies at their fingertips. The app features videos, quizzes and step-by-step advice on pet first aid and includes emergency preparedness information. Red Cross apps can be found in smartphone app stores by searching for American Red Cross or going to redcross.org/apps. I would start here if you are going to only download one app, i’d start with this one.
2. Bring Fido Dog App
Ever have trouble finding a fun place to take your Goldendoodle or anywhere that is dog friendly? Then I would highly recommend using this is great app to use with your golden doodle. It allows you to find unique and fun places that you can take your golden doodle with you. Plan your adventures that all can include the dog tagging along having fun with you and making memories, this dog app is typically free and it’s a great app to download for any golden doodle owner. Maybe you are just looking for a coffee shop or restaurant that is dog friendly. Or just a fun place for dogs, maybe a small local business catered to dogs where the can have so much fun. I highly recommend downloading this app today on Google or Apple store.
3.Dog Walk- Track your dogs app!
Track the daily walks with your beloved dog! Record the route, distance and the duration of each walk to see all the exercise your puppy gets each day. Take photos of your walks and share your great experiences with friends and family. You can also log where your puppy made a pee or a poo. Based on that pee marker you can see where your dog usually goes potty :).
The Dog Walk App is a great way to create lasting memories! Also a very helpful if you are a dog walker and want to record the activities for the owner. This is a great way to always track your puppy’s walks. All the Goldendoodle owners in my area use it, it’s so handy. I highly recommend downloading this app today on Google or Apple store.
These are honestly the best apps for any dog owner or especially any Goldendoodle owner. So if you need a few quick apps to download when you first get your Goldendoodle, or just some new app ideas for your new phone. I would start with these three Dog Tracking apps for sure.