Taking the Goldendoodle to work.
Goldendoodle’s love going into work. They are the best for taking a pet into work. They won’t bother anyone allergic to dogs, or have them sneezing all over the place. They are the most friendly dogs and will be well behaved (most of the time) haha but all in all will be the life of the party while at work. Goldendoodle’s are so good with other dogs, they of course like to smell other dogs but won’t bite or get too aggressive or dominant at all. Unless you have a Goldendoodle mini, your dog most likely will be the biggest dog in the office. When I took my RickyBobby into work he was in the top three of biggest dogs, but was easily the most fun. Goldendoodles can be a little rambunctious so be sure to keep your Doodle on his leash. Here are a few tips to remember when taking your Goldendoodle into work.
- Bring water and snacks: Make sure you bring your own water bowl & puppy treats. When we went to work it was summer in Utah and very hot. So with all the running around he got really hot really fast.
- Bring toys: The day of the bring your dog to work day, Rickybobby really wanted everyone else’s toy because I had forgotten any of his own toys to bring. Don’t make my mistake and bring your dog’s favorite toys.
- Introduce him/her to everyone: Get out and let your dog be social! I made sure to walk RickyBobby around to everyone at the party. It’s a good social break for your dog that will help his social skill meeting so many new people and other dogs.
Don’t let your own fears and worries prevent your dog from going!
For the first couple of years I avoided taking my dog to these types of events. My Goldendoodle is on the larger end of Goldendoodles. He’s about 95 LBS and when he was younger he was not the most well behaved (due to lack of training on my part). He would always bark and go crazy when around other dogs back then so I avoided taking him to these types of social dog events. That was the biggest mistake I could of done! It took a long time getting him to be socially normal after some training.
Leverage the cuteness:
Use your dog as a networking tool while at the work party. Maybe you are looking to move departments and you see The manager of that other department walk in with his or her dog. Take your dog over there ASAP and strike up a conversation! Maybe you see the cute new office girl or guy? Hey if your single you’re probably using your dog at the dog park to hit on the opposite sex anyway, do it here especially! This way people at work get to see you happy with your happy Goldendoodle as well.
I think the number one rule to remember is that your dog needs to go to this event. If you have a bring your dog to work day coming up please, take your pup. Just remember this is a chance to work on some training in social areas around people your comfortable with already. Your Goldendoodle will sense that but just be sure to reign in your pup if he gets a little bit too excited. In all honesty just be sure to follow the tips above and have fun! Your Doodle will sleep so good and be so tired after a fun filled day at work. Then seeing messages and pictures of your Goldendoodle at the event makes it all worth it.