Top 10 Goldendoodle Dog Female names.

Maybe you are thinking about getting a new Dog.  Maybe you already know the type of dog you want.  Well if that dog happens to be a Goldendoodle female, then I created the best list of female Dog names you should really think critically about.  Let’s dive in and explore some of the top ten girl dog names In my opinion.

1.”Zoe” (Zo-Wee)

Little Zoe, in her new home.

“Zoe” or the Greek Meaning of Life. Isn’t that just a cool meaning to a girl doggy? I think so too! Hahaha. I just love any pet named zoe, they usually have so much spunk and energy to them. I’m sure you have met a dog named Zoe, but I feel like Goldendoodles named Zoe are pretty rare! If you are thinking about getting a new Goldendoodle Female puppy. I would highly recommend adding Zoe to the top of your name list.


Cammy looking Fresh with her blow out.

“Little Cammy!” “Caaaammmmy!” Hahaha, you can’t go wrong with either way but the name Cam is just so cute for a Goldendoodle Boy but especially The girl version of “Cammy” is perfect for a female puppy. The old language meaning of the name “Cammy” means helper to the priest. I feel like the couple Goldendoodles i’ve met that have the name Cammy always have that aspect on point. Just an amazing helper to you, an amazing service dog, super smart and loyal. Of course Cammy is going to be another rare name for dogs, but especially Goldendoodles. If you are looking for what to name you’re upcoming Puppy, I would highly consider naming her “Cammy”. It’s just so dang cute.


Little Puppy Luna in her element.

Luna is such a unique and spiritual name. Luna’s meaning translates to “Moon Goddess” I think it’s one of the best names you can name a goldendoodle puppy. If you have a spiritual side to you and believe in a connection to the moon and the stars, this is the perfect name for you’re new girl puppy. Give it a try I know you won’t regret it. Meet your new puppy Luna. Luna will love running under the stars in the summer with you, or just coming up to lay on your lap when you call her. She will fast become your best friend, i’m sure of it. Welcome home to your new Luna Baby. 🙂

4. Ruby. (Rub-bee)

Ruby the Goldendoodle apparently driving a van.

Ruby! Ruby-Girl come here baby… I’m sure you can imagine yourself calling your new goldendoodle to come with you out to the back to play or relax on the deck. Ruby isn’t one of the names that immediately jumps out at you but hear me out.. Ruby… It just grows on you, especially when naming a new Goldendoodle girl, or Poodle mix. Ruby is a stone of Divine creativity. It boosts your energy levels and promotes high self-esteem, intuition, and spiritual wisdom. Ruby is a symbol of good fortune, pure love, and loyalty. That’s why this name is perfect for your new Goldendoodle Pup. Hi Ruby!

5.Stella. (Stella got her groove back..)

Stella getting ready for a nap..

Stella! Come here Stella Baby! My Aunt once had a Goldendoodle named Stella! That name always stuck with me because she called her “Stella-Baby”! Such a fun dog has to be named Stella. It’s very rare to see dogs named Stella, so it’s one name you won’t hear at the dog park and have your puppy running off to the wrong person. For some reason I’ve found Stella’s have high energy and need that park time each day. Your Stella will become so smart and so charming everyone who comes into contact with your new Stella will absolutely fall in love with her. If you like names like with that “La” ending I think this is one you have to consider! Add Stella to you’re hat of names for that new Goldendoodle, I know you’re family might fall in love with it!

6. “Olive” (Ollie, girl come here baby!)

Olive the Goldendoodle taking a quick break on the cool bark.

Olive is one of those older names you never can think of. Soon as you hear it, it just rings attention don’t you think? I met an Olive and she was nicknamed “Ollie”. Such a cute nickname from the name Olive especially for a Goldendoodle or Poodle mix puppy. You may get the occasional weird person who hears the name Olive and only thinks of “Olive Oil” from the old 40’s Cartoon and comic Popeye. Popeye’s wife was Olive Oil, but this name for a puppy is so rare. If you know someone looking for the perfect name for their new Goldendoodle they are about to get, send them this name Olive! Just is a cool and Classic name that everyone will love!

7. “Nala” (Yes like the cat name from Lion King)

Took forever to figure out what to name this cutie, but meet “Nala”

I know exactly what you are thinking… Am I reading a Dog blog? This name Nala belongs right in the next Kitty or cat blog. Nala is that classic Lion King name that just sticks forever with cats, or felions. That’s why I love Goldendoodles or poodle mix pups. They can have unique names that work for them, that no other Dog could pull off. That’s why naming your new Goldendoodle female “Nala” is a great idea! It throws people off when they see a dog named Nala. But the name itself can be translated to “Queen”, or “Heroine”. Also Nala can mean the first drink of water after a long stint in the desert. It’s a beautiful name for any girl dog, but I think especially you’re new Goldendoodle can pull it off even though she isn’t a cat.

8. “Phoebe” (Has that Egyption feel almost)

Phoebe meeting her Mom for the first time.

Meet Phoebe. She comes with the wonderful meaning of radiant or bright. So if you just picked out your new Goldendoodle or Poodle mix dog. and have no idea what to name her. Think back to that wonderful show back in the 90’s that we all love. If you have a feeling you’re dog is bright and radiant with a vibe that just reminds you of Phoebe from Friends than that is exactly what you should name her! Phoebe’s like to be the center of attention and take up the negative energy in the room and transform it to a positive and fun environment. If you can’t think of a name I would throw “Phoebe” in your top 5 of Dog girl names to pick. Phoebe will never let you down.

9. Meet “Ava”

Ava wanting to join in on the fun.

Ava, or Ava Max or Ava Baby is one of my favorite names. Especially for a girl puppy. The name Ava comes from Latin origin meaning “life; bird; water, island”. Every Ava puppy I have met loves the freaking water. Literally if you name her Ava you will notice every time you guys are near water she won’t want to leave even if she’s dog tired. (Forgive my lame Dad jokes). If an “A” name is what you are looking for definettley throw in Ava as one of you’re choices. Ava-Baby will love you forever and be a companion for you her entire life. Goldendoodle’s named Ava will always have you’re back, be very playful, & the most social dogs for you.

10.Charlee. (Not what you expected right?)

Charlee Cutest Dog girl names
Tongues out for Charlee!

I love the name Charlee! Or Charlee Girl, Charlee Baby.. Lots of cute nicknames can be made from Charlee. Yes it traditionally is a boys name, but Goldendoodle female dogs can make it work no problem. It is definitely a girl name you will not see often. I don’t think I hear boy dogs named Charles much often either. Goldendoodle’s or Poodle mix puppies boy or girl named Charlee (Charles for boys) is such a classic name. I think when it’s for a girl dog it has a fresh newer feel to the name. It’s hard to choose what to name a new family member human or Dog. I think Charlee would be a cute name for your new daughter puppy.

Final Top Goldendoodle Female dog names.

  • Zoey
  • Cammy
  • Luna
  • Ruby
  • Stella
  • Olive
  • Nala
  • Phoebe
  • Ava
  • Charlee

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