Jessie Farris

“The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.”As I switched on the TV to a movie channel, I saw the movie Marley and Me being shown there. I have seen this movie many times and never get tired of watching again again. it is the same with another beautiful dog movie called Hatchiko.
Both these movies start with usual antics of a puppy, and then goes on to document each and every stage of their growing up, their naughty behaviour, there unconditional love for the owners, who sometimes get totally frustrated with their respective dog. In both the movies it is the women who get very irritated with the unmanageable traits of curious, and destructive traits of the dog
As I watched these movies again and again, I relived my days with our two dogs that came into our lives and did all the things that drove me to the brink of despair.
I would often yell at the, dog/ puppy and then within seconds, would find my heart melting when she looked at me innocently with her lovely eyes, saying,”mommy what did I do wrong”, jumping as soon a she saw me melting, lickng my face happpily, and pissing on my lap with excitement.
I would feel so bad, I would hug her cuddle her and, everything would be fine till something terrible happens again.

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